Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mud Puddles

After FREEZING cold temperatures we have been told that spring will come. However, the snow has to melt and there is no place for the icy cold water to go, therefore we get great BIG puddles of water. There are puddles EVERYWHERE we walk. The snow melts during the day and then the puddles are frozen during the night. If the puddle is deep it will only freeze on top so we could skate across the top (too dangerous) or fall in (this is not an option) or walk around even if it means going way out into the street! Nothing will stop a Russian.
This is a puddle we have grown fond of. Yes, it has been bigger. There is one just like it on the other side of the street and many more every where we go. This is a great adventure!
This puddle is a park just up from the metro (the last stop on the green line). There is a new mall with a food court on the third floor that looks out onto this park (puddle). I wonder if there is grass and if it will grow? Patience, spring is out there somewhere!


Kae said...

Looks like fun. That tree looks like it has no bottom.

Michelle said...

Do you think CS Lewis used a tree similar to that when he rote "The Magician's Nephew?"