Tuesday, June 1, 2010

GREEN--and loving it!

GREEN LEAVES ON TREES!!! When I look out my kitchen window, this is what I see. No more snow or mud or branches without leaves. I do not have to "imagine" what it will look like because I can see the green and I LOVE IT!! Also I would like to mention that as I look out this NORTH window, I can see the sun come up in the morning (if I happen to be awake that early--around 4 am) and set in the evening (around 11pm). In Russia, the sun does not come up in the East and set in the West. In the summer the sun comes up AND sets in the North (Northeast and Northwest). In the winter the sun comes up AND sets in the South (Southeast and Southwest).
Looking South towards Red Square and the Kremlin.
We watch fireworks out this window.
Another view looking South.
Alexander Gardens around the Kremlin



Lilacs, tulips, grass and a piece of ground where nothing is growing.

Pansies forming the ribbon celebrating 65year end of WWII

Lilacs and Pansies
There is a fountain and an underground mall to the left.


Kae said...

It is amazing how different it looks with flowers and green leaves. So pretty.

Michelle said...

What a transformation! I bet it smells incredible too. Zipporah would be all mixed up with THAT much sun light.. the poor girl, as well as her brother would never no when to sleep.