Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Big Park

The other day as we were getting off the metro we decided to go exploring behind the metro stop to see what was there. The snow was gone and there were no mud puddles to fall into so we figured it was safe. We walked along a long path, through many trees and then came out looking at this BIG area of grass where families were playing and people playing soccor. We couldn't believe that this BIG park was so close to our apartment. Little did we know that we were only looking at a very small portion of the park. There were ponds with fisherman and playgrounds and an amusement part just waiting to be found. As we were watching the soccor game we heard some sounds and words we understood...foul We followed the sounds and came to another area where two softball games were being played! Imagine, an American game with American words in a beautiful park on a Saturday afternoon. We watched the rest of the game and enjoyed every minute!!
Soccor Game

Softball Game

One of the Ponds with Fishermen

Childrens Amusement Park

Not a perfect picture of Jim but the popcorn in the amusement park was great!


Michelle said...

At little bit of home in the park. I feel much better about seeing people outside when I know the weather is SOOOO much warmer! How's the popcorn?

Marcus, Angie & Bug said...

how fun! it looks pretty