It is so fun being in the mission field because General Authorities are always coming to visit! There are 14 missions in the Europe East Area and something exciting is usually happening. The Moscow Mission was having a special conference and all of the members were invited. A convention hall was rented at a hotel that was big enough to fit everyone. Elder Perry and Elder Rasband came for that meeting. Both of them spoke along with their wives...EXCELLENT! We (the missionaries) were able to have a special meeting with them the day before and introduce ourselves and shake their hands...MORE EXCELLENT!! It is a blessing to be able to be in their presence and exciting to see how they have meetings with the missionaries. They are constantly asking questions and having missionaries respond! They were "here" for a week, along with Elder Scott, flying to different missions. At the end of the week the Area Presidency was having a two day meeting with Elder Perry, Elder Scott, and Elder Rasband. I was asked to prepare a lunch for them on those two days. YES, OF COURSE I WILL! To be able to visit and have a "digital" moment with two apostles and 4 members of the seventy...PRICELESS!!!

Elder Scott, Me, Nancy and Hyrum Hall, Elder and Sister Rasband, Elder and Sister Perry, Lydia, Linda Rees,
President Schwitzer, President Paul, President Manzhos

Just visiting...with Elder Scott!

More visiting.... with Elder Perry!

Yes, we are loving every minute!

Elder Scott, Elder Rasband, President Schwitzer, President Paul, President Manzhos, Elder Perry

Marina, Acia, Elder Perry and Sister Perry, Lidia, Me, and Linda

President Paul, President Manzhos, Elder Rasband, Elder Hall, Elder Perry, Elder Scott, President Schwitzer

another view

Linda, President Paul (President of Europe East Area), Me

On Thursday we served chicken salad croissants, strawberries, fresh pinapple, grapes, veggies, and chocolate cake with ice cream for dessert. On Friday Elder Perry and Elder Rasband had their wives for lunch. It was served in the conference room and not on this small table. Elder Scott said to me, "my wife is here, you just can't see her". We served broccoli salad, homemade rolls, fresh fruit salad with pudding on the top, and a peach dessert.

Clean up crew:
Steve Rees (doctor for the Europe East Area), Jim, and Linda, I helped too but someone had to take a picture!