One Saturday morning we left early and drove (we hired a driver) to the town of Suzdal. We were told it was an important town to see on the "Golden Ring" around Moscow. It was 134 miles out of Moscow and it should take about 3 hours to get there, alowing for traffic. Well, it took us 6 hours to get there because of traffic! However, the ride was great because we weren't driving and we could visit and see the beautiful green trees and the creative way the Russians drive...they make 5 lanes out of 2! They pass on the shoulder! The return trip was only 3 hours.
We loved Suzdal and felt like we were going back in time. It is always good to out of the city!
We are on our way to Suzdal, this is what the name looks like in Russian.

Old brick sidewalk through town.

It is a beautiful little town. It reminds me of a little pioneer town but it has cathedrals and an old Kremlin (Kremlin means fortress in Russian) wall around it. Not a lot has been refurbished so we can see buildings as they really were. This town has written history from 1024.

Sweet little babushka that makes little boots (the size of a finger). She prayes while she makes the boots so they will bring you safety, health, or happiness.

Alene and I by an old gate.
(digital moment)

Quilt Sale
These ladies are dressed up in their native costume and selling their quilts and other bazzar items.

Cathedral inside the Kremlin

The white wall is the Kremlin wall. I love this quaint little road with the pink peonies and the horse at the end of the lane.

The Nativity Cathedral inside the Kremlin.
Jim, Don, Jack

Beautiful countryside with a Russian building on the left.

A beautiful Russian wooden building.

Lunch in a Russian Restaurant
Jim, Aliene, Frances, Don, Jack

Daches and gardens on the river.
Daches are summer "homes" and most don't have water (plumbing) or electricity.

cathedrals in the background
BEAUTIFUL countryside and river

wow! how pretty! i loved those pictures- what a fun trip!
I agree that the wooden building is adorable, the peonies, the quaint dirt trail... all of it! I absolutly love things that have been loved, found and loved again. You've got some really great pics! If we ever get there where will we tour??? Perhaps I should be content with your adventures. Confession I'm just too selfish I want to experience them for myself...sigh...we'll just have to wait and see how life plays out. LOVE YOU!!!!
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