It must be spring! When (and if) the sun comes out we can feel a little warmth on faces - the only skin that is exposed to the weather. In addition to seeing buds on the trees - yes, the ground is still covered with snow but there are small buds on the trees - the work crews will start the annual spring painting of fences and buildings. No preparations are done before the painting! The paint is just brushed on over cement, dirt, and whatever else is on the fence. The workers are not worried about dripping paint (because it is all over) and there is never a "fresh paint" sign. We have been lucky so far on not getting any paint on us. However, don't get me wrong...I LOVE SPRING AND I WILL TAKE IT ANYWAY IT COMES!!!! YES, IT HAS BEEN A LONG WINTER!!!
ahhhhh...Spring, I love it too. I love you guys too!
Did they paint the head of that guy on the bench in the back? Your not joking, they must not care WHAT they get the paint on. :)
We came home to a yard full of pink bloom. ahhhh
it's been snowing 3 days straight now. i love summer!
I had fun skyping you today. HAPPY EASTER! Hope you have a good Easter. Excited for your return. What missions are called: BEST TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE. See ya.
Your eldest grandaughter,
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