This is where we get off the train to go to church.

I finally took some pictures of the train we ride to church. We buy our tickets (billits) in the little building and then walk through a gate to the train. I am sure it will look more inviting in the spring and summer. I am told that on week days the train is filled so full it is hard to get off at the stop you want.

Jim is holding a small red matrushka doll with flowers in the top that they made in YW. They all made these and there must of have been extra. We have a very small YW. After church we were talking to the brother that was demonstrating the craft and he went in and made me one. We are in a Russian branch. All of the YW are Russian. Like Jim's smile? He really is happy, he just didn't know I was ready to take the picture.
That is fun, why did they give you flowers in YW's. Is it because you are new?
Are all the YW Russian or are they from different nationalities?
Take a pic of your gift I couldn't see it. Also those bags with stars look so much like the ones you get here at's cold here and it's hazy I'm so looking forward to spring! love you guys! Hugs
Your day of fun looks really fun. What fun to slide down the hill!! Your pictures are wonderful.
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