Izmylovsky Park eating a pork shishkebab (tasty) and Jim with his 'zhezl' stick (policemans stick used to pull cars over just because they want to) purchased as a 'gift' for someone that had been pulled over 39 times.

Riding the Metro with our purchases from Izmylovsky Park.

Taking the train on our way to church.

The front door to our church building.

The Tomb of the Unkown Soldier always guarded with an eternal flame. It is next to the Kremlin wall.

Sitting by the fountains that have statues of popular Russian fairy tales.

Outside the Kremlin Wall the flowers are starting to bloom and the walkways have just been painted the colors of the 'ribbon' (maroon and gold) to represent the 65th anniversary of the end of the Great Fatherland's War. (World War II)

Inside the Kremlin we went through the Armory and saw amazing things including the royal carriages, jewels, gold and silver everything with jewels and many more things we could not take pictures of. After the Armory we went through the Cathedrals that were inside the Kremlin.

Inside the Kremlin with the Tzar's cannon and cannon balls that were never used.

Inside the Kremlin by the Tzar's bell that broke and was never used.

We are standing by one of about 15 metal trees that has thousands of locks on it. Tradition says that on your wedding day you and your loved one put a lock on the tree and then toss the key into the river (on the other side of the railing) so your love will last forever!

Closer look at the locks.

Moscow River with the Kremlin wall, an administrative building (the Armory looks just like this building) and some of the Cathedrals inside the Kremlin.

Time for a break at Starbucks with hot chocolate and a pastry!

Beautiful St Basil with the clock tower on one side and the GUM shopping mall on the other side and Red Square in the middle of it all! (We are standing at the back of St Basil. Red Square is in front of St Basil.)

St Basil's Cathedral

Red Square snacking on apples. Bleachers (getting ready for the big celebration), the Kremlin Wall and Lennon's tomb behind Jim and Kae, and the big red building is the history museum. The yellow and white lines have just been painted so all of the military (Russian, all former USSR countries, French, United States, Poland, and Great Britian are invited) to know where to march and the Tanks know where to drive for the 65th year commeration.

Still snacking on apples on Red Square. This is the famous, and very expensive G U M shopping center. The big 'military ribbons' are in front of the building and are decorations for the celebration.

Inside the G U M shopping center.

Walking through the park on our way to one of the many summer palaces of Catherine the Great.

A Summer Palace of Catherine the Great. Back view.

Between the Palace and the Bread House (where the food is prepared).

The front of the Palace.

Trechakov's Art Gallery
Some of the pictures were the size of a wall.
Spring has Sprung in RUSSIA! I love all the color and ribbons. Will you be able to see the parades when the celebrations begin. Looks like a fantastic trip!
Kae said it went too fast and it looks like it did. Get's me "homesick" for Europe! sigh... I'm so glad Kae was able to make it and you guys look so happy to have her-even tho you still don't look thawed out =) Isn't history great? why weren't the bell and the cannon ever used? were they too special or too grand in scale to use? Just wondering.
good memories and good times. I am just starting to blog about the trip. when I have time I fall asleep. thanks for a fantastic trip
looks like you guys had fun. Russia looks really pretty when the snow melts:) I don't think the cannon was ever used because they over estimated the size and weight of the cannon balls and couldn't find anyone strong enough to pick them up
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