We are on our way to our hotel. Behind us is the Peter and Paul Fortress and also the Peter and Paul Cathedral. We are standing at the spot where wedding couples will drink a glass of something and then step or jump on the drinking glass. The ground is covered with broken glass.

Smolny Cathedral and Convent was built for Peter the Great's daughter Elizabeth , but she became empress instead of living a life of solitude. Our guide told us one of the builders committed suicide in the building so it was never used as a convent.

We are on Hare Island going into the Peter and Paul Fortress. Sergey (in the blue hat) is our guide. There is a little statue of a rabbit that we can see as we go over the bridge to the island.

This is a picture of a plaza in the center of the fort. In order to get all of the rocks to make this plaza, there was a tarriff put on travelers entering the city and ships coming to the island. Each person needed to bring three rocks (the size shone) and each ship had to bring 15 rocks.

Inside the Peter and Paul Cathedral. The tombs of all Russian czars and their families are here.

This is the entrance to the political prison. Many people that were 'innocent' as well as those that were guilty were in this prison. We were standing in the rain for this picture.

Church of the Savior on Spilt Blood. This is where Tsar Alexander II was assassinated. Yes we were enjoying the rain. Life is an adventure!

St Isaac's Cathedral

Inside St Isaac's Cathedral

Winter Palace and the Hermitage Museum

Throne room and patterned parquet wood floor


another throne room

Katherine the Great's drawing room where she would withdraw to visit with her guests.

Imagine walking through many rooms and then walking down this hallway to visit the Czar!

This is a Bank. The "banker" would sit on the bench and have the money under him and inside the bench for him to loan or for when he receives it.

These stairs lead down to the theater room. Yes, just like the ones today except they had a stage and would act in their theater room. We just turn on the 'plasma.'

This is the original 'Prodigal's Son' by Rembrandt. We saw paintings by Davanci, Raphael, Pacasso, Vangogh, Monet, Renoir and others. WOW!!

another drawing room

Catherine the Great's Boudoire

another throne

St George Hall

winter sleigh

Dinner was at Yelki Palki for borsch and a mug of cranberry juice.

I needed a picture of this building. It is the Stroganoff Palace. One of my favorite foods in Russia is BEEF STROGANOFF. Borsch is very good also!

Peterhof was like visiting a story book land. The fountains and beautiful grounds on the property are magnificent. Pictures do not do it justice.
the rooms were lovely, how did you remember all the names of all the different rooms for the blog post? Maggers & I loved all the castles and chandaliers.
wow very impressive place! everything is so grand and beautiful. is st petersburg generally warmer than moscow? i like the trick fountains.
I'm enjoying the pics and the History- I hope this isn't the end!
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