Thursday, September 23, 2010

Honey Fair

Honey is VERY popular in Russia. Everyone LOVES honey. Therefore MANY people have bee hives and create all types of honey flavors. We decided to visit the honey fair that is always held for 3 or 4 weeks in September. Great adventure! It was located by Tzaritina Park. We got off the metro and followed the line of people that were passing us with sacks full of plastic containers full of honey! The fair was amazing. Jim figured there were about 700 booths or venders with their own special kind of honey. Each booth had a little shelf in front with small cups or dishes full of their different types of honey. Small plastic toothpicks or spoons were close by for us to sample the honey. How fun! Every sample of honey I tried was delicious, however, this was not the case with everyone. I always tried the normal looking honey but others were more daring and tried honey that had "stuff" in it. Yuck! BUT, we did come home with some great tasting honey! We had a great time! It was so good I made hot bread with butter and honey for the young adults on Monday for FHE!
One of the many vendors with their honey.

Linda, Jim, and Jack standing with our honey on one of the long rows at the honey fair.

Francis holding a large wooden spoon/ladel used for putting honey in our containers.


Kae said...

So fun!

Marcus, Angie & Bug said...

what kind of "stuff" do they put in it? When we were getting our honey at the monastary near pineview they had flavored honey (like strawberry...) but we didn't try any.