I really looked forward to the mission Christmas party this year. Sister Sorenson asked the couples if they would do a skit along with the other "young" missionaries. She had an idea for us and the best part is that we could learn it at the party! Great! The activity started at 10:00 in the morning with a short meeting and message by the Holmes about all of the humanitarian projects that have been happening in the EEA. We were all touched and impressed with the special projects that were/are happening. Movies, skits, food, games and a good time followed the meeting.

The meeting just ended and we are off for a delicious snack and to practice our skits.

Munching on cheese and crackers.
Elder Nickoliachev with a "cheesy" smile!

Elder Breedlove

Skits...with "little" missionaries singing...

Skits...with everyone thinking other thoughts...

Skits...going back in time and changing things (babushka with a beard)...


and more Skits...a lot of missinaries had been hurt during the last month, this was in memory of them...

...and President Sorenson introduced our skit (of which he participated in too)...

...we did arm movements to a song from the Nutcracker...

...and foot movements...and we even turned around!
The missionaries all had a great time.
Later, we had a wonderful dinner and continued making great memories that will last a lifetime!
I think Napolean Dynamite would have called you skit "helping hands"
Was it the Russian Dance from the Nutcracker? How low did you get for your knee kicks?
I just think it sounds like so much fun. Dad totally impressed with your skit abilities.
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