Every Sunday after church we like to walk through the park on our way home (sometimes we walk through Red Square first.) It is about a mile and a half walk home after we get off the metro. This is the same park where we heard and saw the baseball game, the dog races, people flying their toy airplanes, the little amusement park, people fishing, and people swiming by the NO Swimming signs.

This is a beautiful path covered in snow hidden among the birch trees. We usually see mothers pushing their babies (even new born babies) in a buggy. If the children are older, they are usually in a stroller. The infants are all bundled up so only their faces are exposed to the freezing temperatures.

This is the pond all frozen over. There are little sleds for the parents to pull their children. Pulling the children in the sled is not just for fun, this is how the mothers take their children everywhere!...it is easier than holding them.

This is the same view where we saw the men fishing and the beautiful autum leaves. Everyone just walks across the frozen water instead of using the bridges...everyone except us...(so far.)

Someone is always "cross country" skiing around the frozen pond. The pond is VERY BIG. The dogs love it and the parents and children do too.

Notice the skier and the sign that says
no walking on the ice. In the summer the sign says
no swimming!
It looks like a winter wonderland
youre such law abiding citizens! ha ha ha! I do love the photo of the trees. Those walks really are the best. I'm glad you have so much beauty to surround yourself with. I love my walks on wander lane. It just seems so much happier when you are around something beautiful. Merry Christmas!!! Love jen
I think you should follow the old rule, when in Rome...
The pictures are enchanting. They will probably be the only exposure to snow my family will get this year :)
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