Saturday we went to Izmailovsky Park. It was ten to 15 degrees Below freezing!! We had a great time. It is like a swap meet or a flea market. You can see the towers of it behind Jim. He is standing by Steve Rees in the Russian mink hat. He is the Area Doctor. Next to him is Hyrum Hall. He is the executive secretary to the Area President. Everything you can imagine that is small and Russian is there. We were outside from 9:00am when we left to about 2:30 when we stopped at the Rees's home to have homemade chicken noodle soup. Jim and I loved this place. Jim found more things inside to buy than I did. Imagine that! This is one place that we will come back to. After all we did not buy anything and we would love Russian ornaments and matryoshka nesting dolls!

While we were in Izmailovsky Park we found this public square and Santa was there with some children. They were dancing and singing songs. I took a video of them. There was also a wedding in one of the buildings. Jim is standing with Linda Rees. The buildings are beautiful.

We are standing in front of some of the shops. They are all outside. This is an open air bazzar. Do we look cold? The red coat I got from mom is a real life saver in more than one way...it keeps we warm down to my boots and when we get off the metro everyone can spot me and the rest of the group. Most everyone here wears black. About ten percent wear real fur coats of bright colored leather. It snowed on one of the first few days were here and they try to shovel the walks but they say that this snow will be on the ground until spring. Other snow storms will just add too it. I love this winter. I don't have to drive in the snow or bad weather I get to walk and I have warm clothes and boots to keep me warm!!

Matryoshka dolls...Matryoshka dolls...Matryoshka dolls. There is every kind of matryoshka and nesting doll you can think of, even a BYU football player! You can buy dolls that nest from three dolls up to 30 or more. However, the most popular is the nesting doll with seven dolls...seven they say is a family!
I just want to get on a plane right now and shop at that place. It looks so cute and I am thinking our house needs a BYI nesting doll.
I totally agree with Kae-but not the BYU nesting doll:)
I think Russia looks beautiful and the architecture is stunning! Keep taking pics we LOVE them!
Those buildings look incredible. I really liked thet wood building.
I can't believe that people work OUTSIDE when it is THAT COLD! It just goes to show how one acclimates to the weather. I'm with Jen, I love the architecture!!
Russia looks really great! I'm going to be very jealous if my parents and Brandon and Steph get over to meet you this next summer! I guess SOMEONE will need to stay behind and take care of the dog. I'm sorry I missed your farewell. It seems like we are missing out on a bunch of family stuff being out here in CO. Can't wait to hear more stories and see you when you get back!
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