Every Missionary has a Water Filter - change filters every 2 months

Russia's favorite breakfast - Buckwheat

Beautiful Snow in Russia

Snow covered grounds in the Park

This sign says "exit to the city." This is over the door when we leave the train station. There is a similar sign underground in the metro that tells you which way to go to the city and which way to go to catch another subway. When this sign is above a door it is easy to know that it says exit, but when we are underground...I just figured that the long word with an X spelled out. (Enter is a shorter word with no X.)

Every Sunday Jim buys two round trip train tickets so we can ride the train to church. (He is third in line with his stocking hat on and his bag over his shoulder.) It is not called a round trip ticket. He tells the ticket lady he wants two tickets to Chewklinka and back. Sometimes the lady understands his American accent and other times the lady (I don't know if we have ever had the same lady) acts with no emotion at all. We sometimes try to see if we can get her to smile or show some emotion...I think we have had one smile and it was a very small one.

This is a picture of the snow covered stairs we walk up on our way to church. Maxim, a member of our branch, stopped so I could take this picture.

This is the top of the stairs on top of the tracks. The train station is down the stairs to the right and our branch is down another set of stairs to the left.

Notice the group of homeless men on one corner, a group of homeless dogs on another corner, and a group of pidgeons (homeless?) on another corner.

Dogs sleep just outside the doors of the metro. Sometimes they are curled up so tight in a circle that you can't see their head. FYI, it is very cold on the stone floor and the metro has warm air coming out when people come through the doors.

This is a very common site. I have seen every kind and color of fur coat. Some of them are very beautiful and some are very interesting. Notice her hat. The ladies look very nice in their fur hats and fur coats.

McDonalds advertisement for a Cheerburger and a Chickenburger! Each only 29 rubles from 14 thru 31 of January 2010.

My first attempt at baking in my oven was memorable. I made bananna bread. It was very tasty. I did not have a mixer so I just used a spoon. I used a long loaf pan because it was the only one I had. Notice the packages; baking powder, vanilla sugar, yeast, and yeast.

This is the Post Office. We pass it on the way to the metro. Never used it.
Trying to make the lady smile while buying tickets is totally a dad experiment. Good luck. Also I was surprised to see all that snow on the tracks! You'd think they would have made a way for it to melt like heated tracks-after all it has been cold there EVERY winter since the begining. Your pics make it look so cold! ALmost like today. Toady there is a thick layer of fog and a RED drive alert. I'm going to try to walk with the girls just because. Plus Tate has playgroup so it's just the 3 of us till 3 O'clock. I'm looking forward to pics of spring. We should have a contest. First one to see green, spring, anything! wins. LOVE you!!!!
I was just thinking, do you want me to bring some foil pans/bowls? The bread looks great. Love ya
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